What Our End Users Are Saying

W.K. BC, Canada
When I received this software last month from my Realtor I was very unsure. I did not see how I could ever pay off my home as quickly as the video said. But the software was free. I plugged in my numbers and was shocked by my results. My 22.5 year mortgage could be paid off in 12.1 years and I could save almost $100,000. Since then I have sent 3 referrals to this realtor. It is so nice to have a professional who cared enough about me to give me this amazing tool!

T.W. ON, Canada
I was blown away with the debt eliminator, we had a total debt of approx 84 K 8K credit card, 20K personal loan, 50K mortgage and the balance car loan, with out changing our payment schedule approx $900.00 / month, and not adding any extra payments but just following the debt eliminator system we reduced total payment from 22.9 yr to 13.3 yrs a saving of 9.6 yr and a financial savings of $19,167.00. There are many so called debt eliminators, on the internet the Finish Wealthy Groups product is the genuine ELIMINATOR. This is a must have software for all

I never thought we would be on schedule to payoff our mortgage so quickly. When the economy went south we were afraid that we would lose our home. Now we have hope. In 7.5 years, just by following this software, we will be financially free!